Grimm's - Houten ballen monochroom zwart wit, 6 stuks - 93120
Overzicht6 Wooden Balls in black and white. Perfect for playing with the Rainbow 10670 for marble games. The high contrast in colour as well as textured surfaces of the monochrome series of toys help to develop individual needs. Children with visual handicaps will be motivated to discover the world around them by discerning a more visible world. These multi-sensory toys with simple forms, high contrast colouring, and textured surfaces or motion driven sounds will aid in development and stimulation of particular senses. Materials: made of maple wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: diameter = 4,5cm.
Inhoud: 1 kartonnen doosje met 6 ballen. De overige foto's zijn ter illustratie van de mogelijkheden.